
Custodian activities

The Bank carries out custodian activities on the ground of License for carrying out banking and other operations and activities in the securities market № 1.2.68/242/40 dated 03 February 2020, issued by the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Regulation and Supervision of Financial Market and Financial Organizations.

The Bank has been operating in the market of this type of services since 1999 and offers servicing of voluntary savings pension funds, investment funds, brokerage companies and other customers, legal entities and individuals.

Within the custodian activities, the Bank carries out:

  • storage and accounting of assets, accepted for custody servicing
  • nominal holding of securities
  • conducting securities transactions in the internal and international markets
  • money transfer for transaction settlements
  • participation in corporate actions;
  • securities conversion
  • transactions with precious metals
  • crediting an investment account with returns of financial instruments
  • provision of information from the issuer, central depositary, global custodian
  • other services according to the contract

Custodian Transactions Unit:

+7 (727) 244-39-21

+7 (727) 259 79 00 Ext. 3430

+7 (727) 259 79 00 Ext. 3432

+7 (727) 259 79 00 Ext. 3433

Information updated on 16.04.2020

Ваш город: Алматы.

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