Acquiring is a banking service that allows you to make non–cash payments. With the help of acquiring, the client can pay with a plastic card through a POS-terminal, and the acquiring bank will transfer the money to the entrepreneur’s account within the period specified in the contract.
Benefits of acquiring
Acquiring is beneficial both for business and client. In the first case, as the benefits can be distinguished:
beneficial fees;
reduction of cash turnover maintenance costs (recalculation, collection, storage);
reducing the risk of receiving counterfeit bills;
ease of working with cards;
increased profits, as customers have several payment methods available;
enhancing competitiveness.
Benefits for the client:
fast service;
cashless payment;
installment payment with a credit card.
How to activate beneficial bank acquiring
Especially for you, we select an individual tariff depending on the type of business activity and average turnover:
4. Read the terms of the POS-contract with the merchant and sign it if you agree.
5. Specify the Bank details to which the Bank will perform the refund.
Customer requirements
In order to be able to make non-cash payments, a company must provide the Bank with information about its financial and economic situation. Connection of the service is possible only in cases when the client is registered as an LLP, IE or in other valid status.
The Bank shall be entitled to request to provide a business permit, relevant licenses and company data.
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