

Green future with just one touch!

Project of Eurasian Bank and Mastercard.


Issue a card at Eurasian Bank Outlet.


Green future with just one touch!


Project of Eurasian Bank and Mastercard.


Issue a card at Eurasian Bank Outlet.

Eurasian Bank and Mastercard Project

Ecocard is made of recycled plastic. With its help, you not only pay for purchases, but also contribute to greening the country and reducing carbon emissions.

How does it work?

Every time you make a purchase, 0.5% of a transaction amount is sent to the Sustainable Development Earth Foundation IPO for tree planting and Eco Network (EN Social PF) for waste recycling projects.


You can follow their work on social networks: @eco.network and @earthfoundation, @ambassadors_earth.

Why is this important?

Kazakhstan plans to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. Together with our customers and partners, we make a small contribution to achieving this goal.


Eurasian Bank became the first and so far, the only company in Central Asia to join the Priceless Planet Program, Mastercard’s global initiative. We are interested in a healthy ecological future for our children. 


More in the Press Release.


Order the card today and plant trees with us!

What’s new?

Eurasian Bank presented a new Eco-Card design for customers supporting ecology. In honor of this event, on 30 October 2024, the Bank employees planted a garden composition of almonds in the Garden of Herbs and Flowers of the Almaty Botanical Garden.


Read more in the Press Release.


The video clip of the tree planting in honor of the new design is here.

Find out how much it costs and how to be serviced for free

  • Issue a card for 0 tenge.
  • Top up your card for 0 tenge.
  • Withdraw up to 300, 000 tenge in Kazakhstan for 0 tenge.

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Transfer between your accounts

Send money by a card or phone number

Pay for mobile communication, utilities, fines, etc.

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and other

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Expand your financial opportunities

Pay contactless with PayPass

Pay with a smartphone, watch and devices with an NFC module by connecting the card in Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Google Pay.

Purchase safe with 3D Secure

With the 3D Secure technology, at money transfer, the security tool requests card data and a unique SMS-code.

Download Google Pay in Play Market

Ваш город: Алматы.

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