
FAQ for VTB Bank (Kazakhstan) customers

VTB Bank (Kazakhstan) ceded to Eurasian Bank all rights (claims) under loan agreements issued for purchase of domestically produced cars. There is clause 10.9 in your loan agreement, which provides for a similar assignment of the loan to another bank. This means that your loan is now serviced by Eurasian Bank.

No, the terms and payment schedule remain the same. All legal documents remain valid.

No, you are not required to conclude a new agreement.

Yes, all documents on your loan are transferred to Eurasian Bank.

Yes, encumbrances are re-registered to the new pledgee Eurasian Bank in authorized state bodies without the participation of the pledger.

For the convenience of customers, Eurasian Bank opens current accounts, replenishing which customers can make monthly payments. Replenishment of such current accounts is possible through payment terminals (IPT), Smartbank mobile banking and cash desks of Eurasian Bank outlets and branches.

No. Monthly loan repayment is possible only through payment terminals (IPT), Smartbank mobile banking, cash desks of Eurasian Bank outlet s and branches after opening a current account.

You can contact another Kazakhstani bank suitable for you with a request for refinancing the auto loan.

Contact Eurasian Bank WhatsApp chat at + 7(777) 000-77-22.

Link to the chat: https://eubank.kz/chat/.

Ваш город: Алматы.

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