
Eurasian Bank Shareholder Awarded For Contribution To Fight Against COVID-19

Alidzhan Ibragimov, a shareholder of the Eurasian Bank, was awarded for his contribution to the fight against COVID-19, Tengrinews.kz reports


Alidzhan Ibragimov among the 343 people of Kazakhstan received the Khalyk Algysy (People’s Gratitude) Medal. President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev established the award for those who distinguished themselves in the fight against coronavirus.


At the end of March, Alidzhan Ibragimov became the first representative of big business to make a donation of 100 million tenge to the Zhana Pavlodar (new Pavlodar) Public Fund. The Foundation provides medical and social assistance to people who find themselves in a difficult life situation, raising funds for the purchase of medicines and equipment necessary to fight COVID-19. The shareholder sent the same amount – 100 million tenge – to the Almaty Fund.


Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic and the introduction of the emergency state in Kazakhstan, the Eurasian Bank shareholders have been actively involved in the fight against infection.


The Group of Companies also supported Nursultan Nazarbayev initiative. Immediately after Elbasy’s (Leader of the Nation) speech with the initiative to create the Biz Birgemiz Fund, ERG became the first company to donate 4.5 billion tenge. In March ERG also allocated100 million tenge to the Kazakh capital for preventive measures.


The main production enterprises of the Group, which employ almost 60 thousand people, are located in the regions of Kazakhstan. To prevent the virus spread at the Group’s enterprises, ERG has developed and is implementing a prevention plan. Production personnel at enterprises are provided with the additional personal protective equipment, and employees are regularly tested before arriving on duty. An enhanced disinfection regime has been introduced in all the public areas (eating rooms, rest rooms, toilet rooms, etc.) and on official transport. Wet cleaning and airing are performed every two hours. The Company service buses are cleaned before and after each journey. The administrative staff of the enterprises work remotely.


All the ERG enterprises, with the exception of the Torgay Bauxite Mine Management, operate stably, in the usual mode. The production plans are being implemented.

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