
Aziza Aybadullina And Eurasian Bank Made A Video On How Not To Fall Victim To Fraud

Ms. Aziza Aybadullina, a famous Kazakh blogger with Eurasian Bank’s help recorded a humorous video on the topic of how not to become a fraudster’s victim.


How to hold a conversation if someone calls and presents oneself as a bank employee, under the guise of being worried or checking the safety of your funds, asks to disclose your personal data: SMS, PIN or CVV codes, and other account details.


We remind you that you can monitor all account transactions in the Smartbank app. If you suspect you have passed your data to fraudsters or found out that transactions are being conducted on your accounts without your knowledge, block your card account by calling the Bank Contact Centre.


You can watch the video on the Bank’s official social media pages.


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