
Free reset of the PIN code counter by debit or credit card when changing the PIN code in the Smartbank mobile app

Since 16 February 2023, Eurasian Bank changes the payment card tariffs.

Now, only in the Smartbank mobile app, when changing the PIN code by debit or credit card, the PIN code counter is automatically reset. At the same time, the fee for resetting the PIN code counter shall not apply.


by debit and credit cards:

PIN code change Tariff
− Changing the PIN code in the Smartbank RBS* 0 tenge
− PIN code change via other channels 250 tenge


*In case of successful execution of this operation, the number of incorrect attempts to dial the PIN code is automatically reset, provided they accumulate. At the same time, the fee for resetting the PIN code counter shall not apply.


Additions were also made to the collection of basic (standard) tariffs for the following payment cards from 16 February 2023:


social card:

15.7. Statements and other fees for services Tariff
15.7.7. Fee for the execution (full/partial) of a payment demand (PD), collection order (CO), etc. not provided



Tariff Own funds Credit limit
(not more than 10,000 tenge, fee excluded)
2.5. Statements and other fees for services  
2.5.7. Fee for the execution (full/partial) of a payment demand (PD), collection order (CO), etc. 0.35% of an amount (min 700 tenge, max 7,500 tenge) not provided


You can read more about the tariffs here. 

Ваш город: Алматы.

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