
Eurasian Bank Issues SmartCard - Special Card for Smart Spending and Happy Shopping!

Since 2 August 2021, Eurasian Bank begins to issue the Bank smart card – a SmartCard with a credit limit, an installment option and a revolving loan!

Smart shopping with SmartCard is beneficial:
1.  Purchases on an installment plan (purchases in the Bank partner network are made in installments for 6 months with no interest and overpayments. In Smartbank, you can set a different installment period — 3, 9, 12 months).
2. Loan with a grace period (purchases outside the Bank partner network are made automatically on credit (3 % per month) with a grace period of up to 50 calendar days (no fees and overpayments). You can choose an installment plan in Smartbank for 3, 6, 9, 12 months).
3. Loyalty Program (a permanent 1% bonus on all purchases without linking to the partner network. In the first 3 months + 4 % on all purchases. Bonuses are accumulated with real money and spent on retail transactions).
4. Loan without a grace period (cash receipt and transfer transactions are conducted on credit (3 % per month) without a grace period).

Ваш город: Алматы.

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