
Eurasian Bank launched covered guarantees for legal entities under a simplified scheme

What is a covered guarantee?
A covered guarantee is a guarantee, 100% secured with cash. This guarantee is designated for:
participation in a bid/tender;
fulfillment of obligations under a contract;
return of an advance under a contract/agreement;
payment guarantee, etc.


What do you need to issue a covered guarantee?
To issue a covered guarantee with Eurasian Bank, you need to have a current bank account with a coverage amount of 100% (one hundred percent) of the guarantee amount as well as with the guarantee issuance fee amount, without any arrests and encumbrances.


What fees are provided?
1. Bid guarantees — 0.3% of the guarantee amount, minimum — 6, 000 tenge, maximum — as agreed by the Parties.
2. Other guarantee types — 2.5% per annum, minimum — 5, 000 tenge.


How much does it take to issue a covered guarantee?
The Customer can receive a guarantee in 2-3 hours by submitting a minimal set of documents to the Bank.


What documents are required?
1. Application for guarantee issuance (Bank form).

  1. Consent to the credit bureau (two consents by the approved form).
  2. Copies of tender documents or of an agreement.

Where can you get more info?
Beeline: +7 (771) 000-77-22
Tele2/Altel: +7 (700) 000-77-22

Kcell/Activ: +7 (702) 010-77-22

Ваш город: Алматы.

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