
Eurasian Bank launched loan issuance in Kazpost outlets

October 9, 2018, Press Release A Eurasian Bank pilot project on issuing unsecured cash loans and unsecured loans to pensioners in Kazpost offices in Aktyubinsk, Karaganda and Zhambyl regions started.


The maximal loan amounts shall amount to 5 million tenge for a cash loan, and 700 thousand tenge for pensioners for the period of 6 to 48 months. The loan recipient should be aged from 21 to 65 years (75 years for pensioners) as of the loan maturing date. There are no fees for opening a loan and limit at partial repayment. Loans are issued for any consumer purposes: holiday, repair, large purchases. Registration is carried out with the minimum set of documents: an identity card or passport (+ pensioner’s identity document for retirees).The average time registration is 10-15 minutes. In addition, the Bank provides the oppoprtunity to issue loan within 1 day.
“We are expanding the geography of our presence in Kazakhstan, while maintaining focus on controlling our expenses, in this case through the branch network, and we expect that the Kazpost pilot should be successful. If we talk about customers, then the people of Kazakhstan in the most remote regions have a much greater choice of banks, whose financial services they can make use of. Fair competition is always beneficial to the consumer who can choose the best”, considers Pavel Loginov, CEO of Eurasian Bank.


In addition to paying loan payments at cashdesks of Kazpost outlets, the Bank offers ways to pay in information and payment terminals, in Smartbank online and mobile banking, by transferring from any bank card at pay.smartbank.kz and at the Bank branches. In the Aktobe region, the project covers 40 Kazpost offices, in Karaganda – 90, in Zhambyl – 64. The detailed addresses of the Branches can be found at eubank.kz.


Eurasian Bank PR Service
Tel.: +7 (727) 259-95-99, Ext.: 3453, press@eubank.kz

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