
Eurasian Bank Received Ak Mergen PR-Award

On 28 February, by the decision of the jury of the Ak Mergen contest, Eurasian Bank was awarded the prize for the best project of Payment by Eurasian Bank of Guarantee Compensation to the Bank of Astana Customers in the Business Communications nomination!


Hooray! We did it!
All this — thanks to the customers. And here is why.

• For the organization of work, we received a lot of positive feedback from of the Bank of Astana customers.
• Despite the large-scale project, the Eurasian Bank customers noted that the Bank continued to operate as usual without detriment to current customers.
• In the first two days of payments, managers issued the main amount of compensation.
• Thanks to partnership with bloggers, working with the media and support in social networks, customer awareness was high, and issues were resolved as quickly as possible.


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