
Debit and Credit Card Individual Fees Change

Eurasian Bank makes changes and additions to the Collection of basic (standard) individual fees for debit and credit cards from 19 February 2024.


From the specified date, Eurasian Bank changes the name of the following card products:

Salary Smartcard to Salary Card;

New_salary to Standard Card.


We also inform you about:

– combining the Premium + Premium2 + Premium3 + Premium4 packages into one– the Affluent Package under the Standard Card product (the old name – New_salary). At the same time, the name of the Gold Package under the Standard card product (the old name – New_salary) shall not change;

– changing the name of Salary Smartcard of the head to Salary Card (for the head), and Salary Smartcard of the employee to Salary Card (for the employee).


Additionally, we inform you that due to the large number of card types presented under each card product, we decided to exclude the Visa Platinum card type from the Salary and Standard card product line for new Bank customers.


From 19 February  2024, holders of SmartCard Credit Card, Social Card, Salary Card, Standard Card can (for free):

– change the PIN code or reset the PIN code counter;

– block a lost/stolen card;

– get information about the last 10 transactions at Eurasian Bank ATM.


Please note that the minimum value has been set and the % of a fee for transactional operations of debit and credit card holders has been increased.


In parallel, other changes and additions have been made to the Collection of basic (standard) individual fees for debit and credit cards, which you can read by clicking on the link: https://eubank.kz/about/tariffs /

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