
What to do if you are in arrears with loan payment?

Congratulations on the National Currency Day! On this special day, Eurasian Bank congratulates you and wishes that the most difficult is left behind, and only progressive development awaits you, which will benefit you, the country and your loved ones.


In the third and final video from the series on loans, we talk about what to do if you are in arrears with loan payment.


The first and most important thing – do not panic and “go into the dead underground.” The Bank is primarily interested in finding a solution in this situation. The most correct way out is to contact the Bank directly. The manager will consider your situation and offer solution options.


Remember that signing a loan agreement, you enter into commercial relations with the Bank. And this is a two-way responsibility. Before you get a loan, check out our tips from the first two videos on how to understand when to take a loan and when not, and how to protect yourself from credit scammers.


The rest is in the video. We sincerely wish that financial adversity bypasses you, and everything in life goes well!

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