
Here is the second video for the National Currency Day.

Today we suggest talking about security. Please see the video on how to avoid becoming a victim of credit scammers.


Special attention should be paid to obtaining a loan via pseudo-intermediaries. Officially, such activities are not prohibited as such companies only offer assistance in applying for a loan. Cheating is a little deeper.


Most often, intermediaries simply take your documents and submit a standard application to the Bank. If the Bank rejects it, the company refers to difficult circumstances or a bad credit history. And, of course, they do not return the money. And if the Bank approves the application, intermediaries attribute merit to themselves.


The rest is in the video. Remember: Bank employees never ask to transfer payment card details, PIN, login and password! If you someone calls, presents oneself as a Bank employee and asks for something mentioned above, then he is a scammer. Urgently report such a call to the Bank.

Ваш город: Алматы.

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