
How To Distinguish A Financial Or Investment Pyramid From a Legitimate Enterprise?

Eurasian Bank draws your attention to the main features of a financial pyramid:


— Absence of a license from a financial regulator to conduct fundraising activities.

— Aggressive advertising in which the enterprise publicly promises high revenue several times higher than the market level.

— Cash payments to new members from contributions of other depositors.

— Lack of own fixed assets and other assets.

— No definition of enterprise activities.

— No legal address or contact details of the enterprise.

— You are asked to make an entry fee and introduce new customers.


In January-February 2020, newsletters actively promising easy enrichment for Kazakhstanis were actively distributed in messengers. When participating in the Cauldron (Kotyol) or Black Cashier (Chyornaya Kassa) game, each new participant must make a contribution of 14,300 tenge and introduce an additional 2 people. New participants’ payments contribute to his advancement according to a pre-developed scheme. At the end of the game everyone is promised a reward of 114,000 tenge.


This fraudulent scheme, like any financial pyramid, is built and maintained on trusting participants’ contributions. As a rule, the first players manage to receive funds from newly arrived investors. The organizers of financial pyramids get the maximum profit, and as a rule, after a short time, they turn off the launched fraudulent scheme, withdraw all the money and vanish.


Eurasian Bank recommends that you double-check financial institutions whose services you are going to use, and not use the services of enterprises with features of a financial pyramid.


Today, one of the safest ways to store and increase your funds are bank deposits. They are protected by the Kazakhstan Deposit Insurance Fund (KDIF), which ensures the safety of money placed in savings, term and non-term deposits. In the event of liquidation, closure or bankruptcy of a financial institution, the KDIF guarantees the return of customer funds in the amount of 5 million tenge for deposits in foreign currency, 10 million tenge for non-term and term deposits in tenge and 15 million tenge for savings deposits in tenge.

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