
How to get social aid – 42 500 tenge - in Eurasian Bank?

In Eurasian Bank, you can get a social payment of 42,500 tenge without visiting the outlet.
As a socially responsible institution, we understand how important it is to support Kazakhstanis and comply with the health safety measures.


1. How to get a social payment without visiting the outlet?

You can get a social payment without a visit to the outlet to a Eurasian Bank card.


2. What to do if you do not have a Eurasian Bank card?

Order a card at eubank.kz in the Cards section. The Bank will deliver your card for free.

If you already have a card, you can find out your account number in the Smartbank app:

open Smartbank, then the Transfers section, under the name of your card or account, you will see a 20-digit account number starting with KZ — this is the account number.


3. The application for payment requires a card account number. Where to get it?

After you submit an application for a card issue, within 3 days the Bank will send you an SMS containing a 20-digit card account.


4. Will the card delivery time change due to the emergency state?

Yes, the card delivery time may increase. Please be understanding.


We remind you that according to the President’s decree, due to the emergency state in the country, social benefits in the amount of 42 500 tenge can be claimed by those who lost their monthly income, went on unpaid leave or are self-employed.

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