
Computer Vision reads Eurasian Bank client files

Artificial intelligence (AI) will work with credit files in Eurasian Bank. The so-called computer vision already demonstrates the ability to process 95% of data and reduce the time spent working with documents by 3-4 times.


At the largest Digital Bridge 2023 technology forum, Lyazzat Satiyeva, CEO of Eurasian Bank told at the How and Why Banks Implement Big Data and ML panel session shared the experience of using and further development of AI in the Bank’s internal processes.


“After the client has issued a loan and already manages the purchased car, the Bank begins internal work — archiving the client’s credit file. And here computer vision can replace employees in the most routine operations, for example, to determine the type of document and the availability of all necessary certificates, check the IIN and dates, detect errors and inaccuracies in filling. At the same time, the undoubted advantage is in that that the work is going on around the clock,” Lyazzat Satiyeva said, “it is important that the AI is constantly learning and analyzing the data better and better, on the basis of which it makes conclusions.”


She stressed that the use of artificial intelligence has been actively developing in Eurasian Bank for four years, especially in the field of collection (Soft collection), telemarketing and recruitment of employees.


Using the example of the contact center robot, it is noted that 53% of all customer requests are solved at the AI level. By the end of 2025, the Bank plans to achieve automation of up to 64% of incoming calls.


The Bank is considering the possibility of creating an AI chatbot capable of advising clients on products, processes and other service issues. Another direction is the analysis and counteraction to fraud.


“We have put artificial intelligence at the service of our clients and we see that AI is magic that can transform the financial sector. On the other hand, when working with clients, it is necessary to take into account their preferences — many people want to communicate with live operators, not robots, especially when it comes to consultations. A significant part of the clients continues to come to the outlets, because they are more accustomed to it. Our task is to provide everyone with equal opportunities for service – both technological and human,” Lyazzat Satiyeva summed up.


Digital Bridge 2023 has become a platform focused on demonstrating the best and most innovative financial and banking technologies.


The forum brought together speakers, investors and IT companies from different parts of the world to discuss the role of artificial intelligence in the modern world.

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