
We Published Illustrated 2021 Bank’s Annual Report

The Bank published an illustrated annual report for 2021 with the symbolic title – Digital and Green.


The Digital and Green name characterizes the new development strategy of the Bank. Its main task is to modernize the Bank and its services, which should fully meet the modern demands of Kazakhstan and green technologies. Investments in digital transformation in 2021 amounted to 371 million tenge.


Eurasian Bank in 2021 is:

— The first in the new car lending market.

— The third in the POS-lending market.

— The sixth in corporate deposits the banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

— The eighth in individual deposits among the banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

— The eighth in terms of assets among the banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


“Today the economy of Kazakhstan is affected by factors related to rising prices and geopolitical tensions. However, we believe that Eurasian Bank, led by a team with clear goals, an ambitious strategy, a relevant business model and support from shareholders, will overcome this period,” commented Aleksandr Mashkevitch, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Eurasian Bank.


The published annual report for 2021 is available on the Bank’s website in the Investors section or on the website of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange.

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