
Do not share your card number with unauthorized persons

It is not recommended to inform unauthorized persons of any card details. Even the card number may be enough to conduct some transactions.


Fraudsters use various tricks to obtain the necessary information, including introducing themselves as the Bank employees. Remember, the Bank employee will never ask for the full card number!


To protect yourself from scammers:

– do not share payment card details (number, expiration date, CVV/CVC, PIN-code);

– do not share login and password for Smartbank;

– do not share a code from an SMS-message;

– do not change the phone number for Smartbank at someone’s request.

The Bank employees never call or send e-mails or SMS-messages with a request to transfer your payment card details, PIN-code, username and password.


If you suspect that your data has fallen into the hands of hackers or discovered that your accounts are being processed without your permission, please contact the Bank Contact Center at:

+7 (727) 332-77-22 — landline;
+7 (771) 000-77-22 — Beeline;
+7 (700) 000-77-22 — ALTEL/TELE2;

+7 (702) 010-77-22 — Kcell/Activ.

Ваш город: Алматы.

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