
On the implementation of state control and analysis of the activities of financial monitoring subjects regarding the compliance with the law

Dear Customers!


Based on the letter of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Financial Monitoring (hereinafter – the Agency) No. АФМ-07-2/3185-И dated 29 April 2022, regarding the implementation of state control and analysis of the activities of financial monitoring entities on compliance with legislation in the field of counteracting the legalization (laundering) of illegally obtained income and the financing of terrorism, entities that do not fulfill obligations in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 17 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Permits and Notifications” have been determined.

Also, the AML/CFT legislation provides for a number of mandatory procedures, so according to paragraph 3 of Article 3, entities are required to submit a notification of the commencement or termination of activities to the Agency in accordance with the procedure established by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Permits and Notifications” for the following types of transactions:

  • transactions with precious metals and stones, jewelry, as a lessor without a license, intermediary services for the purchase and sale of real estate;


And also, legal consultants and other independent legal specialists – in cases when they participate in transactions with money and (or) other property for or on behalf of the customer in relation to the following activities:

  • purchase and sale of real estate;
  • management of money, securities or other property of the customer;
  • management of bank accounts or securities accounts;
  • accumulation of funds for the creation, maintenance, operation or management of a company;
  • creation, purchase, sale, operation of a legal entity, or its management.


The Agency compiled a list of entities that perform the above activities, but are not in the register registered on the website: afmrk.gov.kz.


In this regard, the Bank notifies customers engaged in the above activities about the requirement to submit a notification and register using the link: https ://www.web-sfm.kfm.kz/ (The Agency also recommends that accounting companies engaged in business activities in the field of accounting register on the website).


Regards, Eurasian Bank

Ваш город: Алматы.

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