
Coronavirus-Related Deferral FAQs

Dear Eurasian Bank Borrowers!


If you wish to get a loan repayment deferral due to the deterioration of your financial situation in connection with the coronavirus epidemic, please read the terms below carefully.

  1. Persons belonging to socially vulnerable segments of the population, namely:
  2. 1. Disabled people and participants of the Great Patriotic War.
  3. 2. Persons equated to the disabled people and participants of the Great Patriotic War.
  4. 3. Disabled people of Groups 1 and 2.
    1. 4. Families having or caring for children with disabilities.
    1. 5. Persons suffering from severe forms of certain chronic diseases specified in the list of diseases approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    1. 6. Pensioners by age.
    1. 7. Orphaned children and children left without parental care, under twenty-nine years of age, who lost their parents before adulthood.
    1. 8. Oralmans.
    1. 9. Persons who lost their dwelling as a result of environmental disasters, emergency situations of natural and technogenic character.
    1. 10. Mothers with many children who were awarded the Altyn Alka, Kumis Alka pendants or previously received the Mother-Heroine title, as well as those awarded the Maternal Glory orders of the 1st and 2nd degrees, large families.
    1. 11. Families of persons who died in the performance of state or public duties, military service, during the preparation or implementation of a flight into outer space, during the saving of a human life, during the protection of law and order.
    1. 12. Incomplete families.


  1. Recipients of state targeted social aid in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On state targeted social aid”.


  1. Unemployed persons registered with the local employment authority in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On employment of the population”.


  1. Individuals whose financial condition deteriorated due to the following reasons:
  2. 1. Temporary disability due to the introduction of the quarantine.
  3. 2. Being on unpaid work leave.
  4. 3. Dismissal, termination of an employment contract, and termination of other employment relationships.
  5. 4. Reduction or suspension of payment of wages or other income.
  6. 5. If the employee cannot be present at the workplace due to restrictions on entry (exit) to the area where the state of emergency and (or) quarantine is in effect.
  7. 6. Other reasons that prove deterioration in the financial condition.


  1. Small and medium-sized businesses, including individual entrepreneurs, complying with one of the following conditions:
  2. 1. Carrying out activities in the following economy sectors:
  3. 1. 1. The retail sector, including tenants of shopping and entertainment centers, consumer goods stores, and the supply chain of goods, excluding food stores, pharmacies, and related supplies.
    5. 1. 2. Sports, tourism and hotel business, including tour operators and travel agents.
    5. 1. 3. The sector of passenger and freight transport, excluding food and medicine transportation.
  4. 1. 4. Catering sector, including restaurants and cafés.
  5. 1. 5. The sector of household services, leisure and recreation, including theaters, cinemas, photo and video shooting, exhibitions and conferences, event arrangement, beauty salons and fitness centers.
  6. 2.  Deterioration of the financial condition at confirming a decrease in the volume of goods and (or) services sold, delays, suspensions, postponements (suspensions) of payments from customers, reduction in the number of employees or for other objective reasons during the emergency state.

By all loans issued before 16 March 2020.

A deferral is granted for 2 or 3 months.

No. A deferral does not reduce or cancel the loan payments, but only shifts them for a few months.

For persons belonging to socially vulnerable segments of the population, recipients of state targeted social aid, the unemployed and individuals whose financial condition deteriorated due to the reasons specified in Question 1 — on eubank.kz in the Loan Deferral Due to Emergency (Coronavirus).

You do not need to submit applications on the website or in the app.

Signing of any additional agreements is not required.


For legal entities — in the Client’s Bank remote banking service system. After submitting the application via Client’s Bank, the Manager will contact the customer and provide the Bank consent form. In this case, the customer, at compliance with the requirements specified in Question 1, must provide supporting documents.

Deferral is issued for all loans at once.

You should apply for a deferral before the loan repayment date. You can apply until 15 June 2020 inclusive.

Yes, you can. Payments will be credited to your account under the agreement.

Full and partial early repayment are not limited.

You can, but only if the loan agreement and the life insurance agreement are extended.

No fines or penalties are charged during the deferral. Since 11 May, the accrual of fines or penalties has been resumed, since the emergency state was canceled. Thus, after you exit the deferral, if you do not pay the monthly payment according to the repayment schedule, you will be charged a penalty fee.

Applications for deferral are processed within 10 business days. After the application is executed, customers will receive an SMS-text about the application execution.

In case of deferral, the interest for the deferral period is accrued on the principal balance at the current interest rate.

The amount consists of the principal debt and interest for the deferral months.

To understand what your schedule will look like after the deferral, let us look at an example.

Loan amount: 1, 000, 000 tenge.
Rate: 20.5%.
Term: 12 months.
Issued on: 1 February.
Monthly payment: 92,873.97 tenge.
Overpayment (interest) for the entire period: 114, 487.68 tenge.

Let us say the borrower made two payments in March and April, and at the end of April applied for a 3-month extension. In May, June and July, the borrower does not make the payments, but the loan term was extended to 15 months due to the deferral, and the fee is charged for using the funds (it increases the overpayment). Thus, at a 20.5% rate, the overpayment for the entire loan term will amount to 157,902. 78 tenge. Please see the new loan terms below.

Loan amount: 1, 000, 000 tenge.
Rate: 20.5%.
Term: 15 months (12 months + 3 months of deferral).
Issued on: 1 February.
First payment date after the deferral: 1 August.
Monthly payment: 97,215.48 tenge.
Overpayment (interest): increased by 43, 415.10 tenge and is 157, 902.78 tenge.

Former schedule (no deferral)   New schedule
Date Payment Overpayment Date Payment Overpayment
01.03.2020 92 873,97 17 083,33 01.03.2020 92 873,97 17 083,33
01.04.2020 92 873,97 15 788,58 01.04.2020 92 873,97 15 788,58
01.05.2020 92 873,97 14 471,70 01.05.2020 0 14 471,70
01.06.2020 92 873,97 13 132,33 01.06.2020 0 14 471,70
01.07.2020 92 873,97 11 770,08 01.07.2020 0 14 471,70
01.08.2020 92 873,97 10 384,55 01.08.2020 97 215,48 14 471,70
01.09.2020 92 873,97 8 975,36 01.09.2020 97 215,48 13 132,33
01.10.2020 92 873,97 7 542,09 01.10.2020 97 215,48 11 770,08
01.11.2020 92 873,97 6 084,34 01.11.2020 97 215,48 10 384,55
01.12.2020 92 873,97 4 601,68 01.12.2020 97 215,48 8 975,36
01.01.2021 92 873,97 3 093,69 01.01.2021 97 215,48 7 542,09
01.02.2021 92 874,01 1 559,95 01.02.2021 97 215,48 6 084,34
Total 1 114 487,68 114 487,68 01.03.2021 97 215,48 4 601,68
  Total Overpayment 01.04.2021 97 215,48 3 093,69
  01.05.2021 97 215,52 1 559,95
Total 1 157 902,78                157 902,78
  Total Overpayment

Find out your new payment schedule on the Bank website at the web-link.

The start date of payments depends on the start date of the deferral. Please review the new repayment schedule to find out when you should start making payments again. It may take some time to change the schedule in the Smartbank app, so we recommend that you visit the Bank website using the web-link.

The amount of the first payment is individual. To find out your amount, please check your payment schedule. We recommend that you follow the web-link  to the Bank website for the current schedule. Find out how the new payment schedule is formed from Question 17.

Such issues are considered on an individual basis with the authorized body of the Bank. Please call the Contact Center or Bank Outlet.

Ваш город: Алматы.

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