
Partners and customers congratulate Eurasian Bank on its 25th anniversary

On 24 December, Eurasian Bank celebrates its 25th anniversary. The Chairman of the Board of Directors Alexander Mashkevich and the Chairman of the Management Board Valentin Morozov receive congratulatory letters from partners and customers of the Bank from all regions of Kazakhstan.


«Over many years of work, we have repeatedly felt your support, attentive attitude of the Bank management and its employees,» the Bank customers write, «The history of the Bank is a history of continuous development and striving upward with us».


«May every new day please you with effectively performed work for the benefit of the Republic and customers. And the next 25 years will bring new achievements!» it is said in the partner congratulations.


You can read the letters here.


We thank everyone for many years of reliable cooperation and trust!

Ваш город: Алматы.

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