
Dear Customers!

On May 31, 2018, the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved the implementation of the 7-20-25 New opportunities for purchasing housing for each family program of mortgage housing loans (hereinafter the “7-20-25 Program”). The basic conditions: 7% nominal annual rate, 20% downpayment from the housing cost and the term of up to 25 years. The Eurasian Bank became one of the seven Kazakhstani banks that participate in the Program.


In September 2018, the acceptance of applications will be launched at the Bank Branch in Astana at the address: Kabanbai Batyr Avenue, 30.


Until the end of 2018, Eurasian Bank plans to implement the acceptance of applications under the 7-20-25 Program in 4 other cities of its Branch Network.

Ваш город: Алматы.

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