
Notification on Closing Inactive Payment Card Accounts

Dear Customers!


Eurasian Bank JSC (hereinafter – the Bank) informs you that in accordance with the Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Paragraph 1 of Article 29 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Payments and Payment Systems”), the Bank has the right to refuse to execute a bank account agreement or a bank deposit agreement in cases of absence of money on the customer’s bank account for more than one year, movement of money on the customer’s bank account for more than one year (except for accounts intended for crediting allowances, social payments, as well as alimony (money intended for payment of benefits, social security payments, and alimony).


In accordance with the requirements of Sub-Paragraph 18-1) Paragraph 186 of the Standard Terms on Provision of Banking and Other Services of Eurasian Bank JSC (Adhesion Agreement), approved by the Board of Directors of Eurasian Bank JSC, Minutes No. 135 dated 15 December 2015, the Bank shall notify about closing of current accounts with the use of payment cards on which there has been no money for more than one year and there has not been movement of money on the account.

Ваш город: Алматы.

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