
New Member of Eurasian Bank Management Board Elected

Askar Khamidullin was elected as a new member of the Management Board, Deputy CEO of the Bank, he will supervise the Financial Block of the Bank. The decision was made by the Eurasian Bank Board of Directors.


Askar Khamidullin has extensive professional experience accumulated over a long banking career.  Until November 2023, Mr. Khamidullin worked as CFO, Deputy CEO of Jusan Bank, where he moved from the financial subdivision head position at First Heartland Bank JSC. Earlier, in different years, he worked at Citibank (Kazakhstan), RBS (Kazakhstan), HSBC Bank Kazakhstan.


The Board of Directors believes that his professionalism and financial strategies expertise will be invaluable for the Bank in the current period of global challenges and changes in the market.


Askar Khamidullin graduated with honors from the Accounting, Auditing and Information Technology Faculty of the T. Ryskulov Kazakh Economic University (Narkhoz). He also graduated with honors from the MBA Program of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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