
Tariffs for Payment Card Service Changed

Since 6 January 2022, Eurasian Bank changes the tariffs for all packages:


  Gold Package


Premium Package
Issuing a card and servicing a bank account using a payment card:


– monthly payment (when issued through a bank outlet) 0 tenge 2, 000 tenge (0 tenge, if the deposit amount is at least 10,000,000 tenge or the equivalent in tenge within consecutive 30 calendar days), VAT excluded


– monthly payment (for remote card issuance)
– on an additional card (outside the package) per month


2, 000 tenge 4, 000 tenge
Urgent issue of a card:


 – for branches (up to 1 business day)


4, 500 tenge 5, 500 tenge
 – for outlets (up to 3 business days)


4, 500 tenge 5, 500 tenge
Payment for goods and services at trade and service enterprises:


Non-cash payment for casino/lottery services/electronic money purchases/transfer to electronic wallets 3.5% of an amount + 1,000 tenge


Ваш город: Алматы.

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