
Dear Customers!

From 29 January 2018, you have the opportunity to pay bonuses to suppliers in web-version of Smartbank. We will inform you on the launch of the service in the mobile application.


To pay with bonuses, you should select a service provider in Payment for services, enter the required payment details, tick Use bonuses and click Continue. Confirm the operation by entering a single-time password.


The main terms of payment for services from the bonus account:

1. Payment with bonuses can be made in favor of any provider in Smartbank (excepting payment for utilities, fines, loan repayment).

2. You can pay for services with bonuses completely (100% payment) or partially, paying the remaining part with your own funds on the card.

3. Temporarily: when paying for services using bonuses, you need to have enough money on the card account to pay, but the payment will be made at the expense bonuses (for example, to top up your mobile phone by 1, 000 tenge, it is necessary that the balance on the card be at least 1, 000 tenge, but the write-off will be made from the bonus account).

4. The operation of transferring bonuses from the bonus account to any card account works in the previous mode (1 bonus = 0.9 tenge)

5. “Accumulating bonuses” / “Spending bonuses” mode switching is temporarily unavailable in Applications.

Ваш город: Алматы.

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Ваша заявка принята. Наш менеджер перезвонит Вам в самое ближайшее время для уточнения деталей.

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