
Eurasian Bank Recapitalized For More Than 4 Billion Tenge

Eurasian Bank informs that Eurasian Financial Company, the sole shareholder of the Bank, has contributed to the Bank’s capital 4,000,002,436.40 tenge, fulfilling its obligations under the program on financial sustainability enhancement and risk reduction of the banking sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


The shareholder expresses readiness to support and continue to develop Eurasian Bank as a large socially responsible financial institution.


Shukhrat Ibragimov, a Member of the Board of Directors of Eurasian Bank commented on the transaction, “In the face of global uncertainty, worsening forecasts for the development of the global economy and the COVID-19 pandemic, additional Bank capitalization allows us to increase the Bank’s safety margin and provide more opportunities to support our customers”.

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