
Eurasian Bank, Fora and Belyi Veter announce the 0-0-24 installment in February

Purchase any product in the Fora chain of stores throughout Kazakhstan in installments 0-0-24 on the following days in February: 1-2, 7-9, 14-16, 21-23 and 28-29. No overpayment, no prepayment!


Have time to visit the Belyi Veter shops to buy household appliances and computer equipment, components, smartphones and accessories in installments 0-0-24 from February 1 to 29. Check the list of products participating in the action with consultants in the store.


Do not miss out on bargain prices!

Ваш город: Алматы.

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Ваша заявка принята. Наш менеджер перезвонит Вам в самое ближайшее время для уточнения деталей.

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