
Eurasian Bank Prepares Opening of Subsidiary in Uzbekistan

Eurasian Bank informs on the successful completion of the process of obtaining a banking license in Uzbekistan. On 11 January 2024, the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan resolved to register a subsidiary bank of the Eurasian Bank Joint-Stock Company and issue a license for the right to conduct banking activities.


“This strategic event opens up new prospects and opportunities, and also confirms the high level of professionalism and trust that the Uzbek regulator marks us with,” said Ms. Lyazzat Satiyeva, Chairperson of the Eurasian Bank Management Board, “we are confident that we will be able to use our experience in the Auto and POS lending market, as well as in other financial services, such as in offline and online channels in Uzbekistan.”


The Uzbekistani market is one of the most attractive and promising in Central Asia for financial services promotion. The country has been showing an 5-6% average GDP growth over the past few years.


The Bank expects to open the subsidiary bank office and outlets in Tashkent this year after resolving the required procedural and organizational issues.

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