
Eurasian Bank is Assessed by Moody’s on International Scale

Based on the Eurasian Bank’s application, the Moody’s Investors Service international rating agency (“Moody’s”) withdrew the Eurasian Bank’s ratings on the national scale.


“This is a purely technical solution. The national scale rating is not used by the market. Investors, the regulator, creditors and users are guided exclusively by the ratings on an international scale, according to which the Bank’s outlook was recently upgraded to “stable”. Therefore, the Bank considered it possible and turned to Moody’s to withdraw the rating on the national scale,” said Ms. Natalia Druzhinina, Eurasian Bank Financial Director.


According to the press release, the Moody’s international rating differs from the rating on the national scale in that it allows to globally compare the Bank’s position with all international organizations, which is not provided by the national rating.


Earlier in September 2021, Moody’s upgraded the Bank’s international outlook to “stable”, which, according to the agency’s press release, reflects the stability of the Bank’s financial stability profile due to high performance and quality of loans in the consumer lending segment. The main credit rating in foreign currency B2 remains unchanged.


Eurasian Bank is a universal socially significant financial institution, the 8th in terms of assets among Kazakhstani banks. The Bank service network includes 17 branches and 114 outlets throughout the country.



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