
Eurasian Bank has provided a “coronavirus” deferral by more than 180,000 applications

Since the beginning of accepting applications for deferred loans due to the deterioration of the financial situation in connection with the coronavirus epidemic, about 140,000 individual customers have already applied to Eurasian Bank.

Eurasian Bank is pleased to inform you that as of today 138,181 customer applications have been completed. Since deferrals could be granted for more than one loan, as well as Bank cards, the number of granted loan deferrals is 180, 572. The products for which a deferral has been granted include consumer, commodity, auto and mortgage loans, as well as PayDA and revolving cards, for example, Eurasia Loyal.

The average volume of applications to the Bank per day is 1,400 applications.

We remind you that detailed information about the deferral is posted at the link in the “Questions and Answers” tab. On the same page, you can apply for a deferral until 15 June 2020. After submission, the application is reviewed within 3 business days (the review period is reduced from 10 to 3 days).

Ваш город: Алматы.

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