
Eurasian Bank Among Top Five in Terms of Deposits

By the end of October 2023, according to the National Bank of Kazakhstan, more than 18.7 trillion tenge was accumulated on the deposit accounts of Kazakhstan citizens. Eurasian Bank with deposits exceeding 1 trillion tenge is consistently included in the top 5 banks to whom citizens trust their savings the most.


For 29 years, the Bank has been successfully saving and increasing depositors’ savings, focusing on a personal approach, offering customers favorable and convenient conditions for placing deposits.


The Bank developed a product line designed for depositors’ different needs and goals.


For example, Turbo Deposit provides for a daily transfer of interest. Funds can be managed through the Smartbank app The effective interest rate reaches 15.5% per annum. You can withdraw money from your account at ATMs of the Republic of Kazakhstan with no fee payments.


Turbo Deposit Saving is provided for storing funds in tenge at an annual rate of up to 17.5%. Interest is paid monthly to the deposit account.


You can open a deposit with Eurasian Bank in the Smartbank mobile app.

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