
Eurasian Bank introduces changes and amendments to the Standard Terms for banking and other services (Adhesion Contract)

Eurasian Bank informs about changes and amendments to the Standard Terms for banking and other services from 4 March 2022.


Changes and (or) amendments relate to the description of mobile payment services with the use of Eurasian Bank payment cards and transfers by mobile phone number, in particular, amendments to the rights and obligations of the Bank and the Client:


  • If the Client has not assigned the Mobile Phone Number + Card Link independently, the Bank has the right to assign the Mobile Phone Number + Card Link for any valid unblocked card of the client issued to the client’s account opened with the Bank.
  • When the Bank assigns the Mobile Phone Number + Card Link in accordance with this paragraph, provide the payment system with the data of the Mobile Phone Number + Card Link by transferring the information about the registered phone / mobile phone number connected to SMS texts and the Card. The Client provides the Bank with consent to transfer funds to his/her/its account opened in the relevant currency, established by the Bank in the Mobile Phone Number + Card Link in accordance with this paragraph of the Standard Terms, when the payer uses the identifier of the money recipient – the registered phone / mobile phone number for SMS texts.


In case of disagreement with the amendments and (or) additions changes to the Standard Terms for banking and other services, the Client has the right to withdraw from the Adhesion Contract by filing a written application in the Bank Outlet.


You can read the document here.

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