
Eurasian Bank Changes Standard Fees for Private Banking Customers

From 27 July 2022, Eurasian Bank changes fees for issuing money from a bank account:


2.5. Withdrawal of money from a bank account


2.5.1. Cash withdrawal from the current account At cash receipt 0 tenge When the amount of interest on the deposit is transferred to the current account 0 tenge Upon receipt of salary under contracts with companies


0 tenge Upon receipt by bank transfer:


   – in the national currency, if the money has been in the current account for less than seven (7) calendar days 1% of an amount
(min. 300 tenge)
   – in foreign currency, if the money has been in the current account for less than seven (7) calendar days 1.3% of an amount
(min. 300 tenge)
   – when the money has been in the account for more than seven (7) calendar days, regardless of the type of currency 0 tenge
   – when returning the expired deposit to the customer’s current account, regardless of the type of currency


0 tenge
2.5.2. Cash withdrawal from a savings account At cash receipt


0 tenge Upon receipt by bank transfer:


   – in the national currency, if the money has been in the savings account for less than seven (7) calendar days 1 % of an amount
(min. 300 tenge)
   – in foreign currency, if the money has been in the savings account for less than seven (7) calendar days 1.3% of an amount
(min. 300 tenge)
   – if money has been in the account for more than seven (7) calendar days, regardless of the type of currency 0 tenge
   – when returning the deposit amount that was previously collateral for the loan obligations. 0 tenge
   – on the Special Account deposit, regardless of the type of currency and the duration of the money


0 tenge
2.5.3. Cash withdrawal from current and savings accounts at receipt by non-cash when converting the deposit amount:


   – if the money has been in the Bank for more than seven (7) calendar days, regardless of the type of currency 0 tenge
   – in the national currency, provided that the money has been in the Bank for less than seven (7) calendar days 1 % of an amount
(min. 300 tenge)
   – in foreign currency, provided that the money has been in the Bank for less than seven (7) calendar days 1.3% of an amount
(min. 300 tenge)

Ваш город: Алматы.

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