
Eurasian Bank Introduces the Ashyq System for Access to Branches and Outlets

To reduce the risks of infection of the Bank customers and employees with COVID-19, Eurasian Bank joins the Ashyq system from 2 August 2021.


Now, when entering the Eurasian Bank branches, outlets and mini-offices, customers are asked to pass identification through the Ashyq mobile app, scanning a QR-code and showing their status to a Bank employee.


If you refuse to use the Ashyq app, the Bank, as a member of the system, has the right to refuse visitors to receive services.


The Bank considers the safety and health of its customers and employees to be a priority in the context of an increase in the incidence of COVID-19 and asks you to understand the decision taken!


To minimize the risk of infection, the Bank recommends using a remote service channel — the Smartbank mobile app.


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