
Eurasian Bank Issues a Special Card for Car Owners — Auto Card!

From 26 July 2021, Eurasian Bank starts issuing a card created for a car owner — Auto Card.


Beneficial bonuses and discounts are available on the Auto Card.


Save up to 30% in the network of more than 50 partners in the Republic! The full list of partners is presented on the Bank website: www.eubank.kz

Gas station services, technical maintenance centers, car washes, auto parts stores — with a discount only on the Auto Card!


Get up to 5% bonuses*:

+ 1% guaranteed bonus with each purchase.

+ 3% when paying for services related to Auto, including abroad (gas stations, technical maintenance centers, car washes, parking, car sharing and car rental, auto parts, etc.)

+ 1% for Eurasian Pay/Samsung Pay/Apple Pay contactless payment.

+ 500 bonuses for registering with Smartbank.


Get 30,000 bonuses per month from the Bank!


Insurance in the Eurasia Insurance Company with a 10% discount when paying by the Auto Card.


You can read about the terms and fees, and order a card with delivery here.


* The Auto Card does not select the Favorite category in Smartbank, the extended Auto category and the Entertainment category shall apply automatically.

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