
Eurasian Bank Launches a New Favorite Category - Entertainment! Changes in Bonus Accrual!

From 26 July 2021, Eurasian Bank launches a new favorite category – Entertainment – in Smartbank!


The Entertainment category will allow you to visit your favorite cinemas, galleries, theaters, amusement parks, bowling alleys, video game clubs, circuses, zoos and a lot more with accrual of 30% bonuses.


It is enough for a Eurasian Bank card holder to set the Entertainment category on his card in Smartbank and make purchases in the network of merchants-service providers on the subject of entertainment with bonuses accrual. The Entertainment category is available from the date of displaying the category in Smartbank. At the same time, the favorite category shall not be chosen under the Auto Card and Eco Card products, the Entertainment category shall apply automatically.

We inform you that starting from 26 July 2021, changes in bonus accrual under the loyalty program shall apply.


In particular, an additional 1% bonus shall apply under a retail transaction, provided that the balance on the current account using a payment card that is used to conduct card transactions complying with the Terms of the Action is at least 1, 000, 000 (one million) tenge three (3) business days before a relevant card transaction is conducted without an equivalent in currency.


Learn about the bonus accrual terms here.

Ваш город: Алматы.

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