
We Launch New Payroll Smartcard Card Tariff!

Eurasian Bank is happy to announce a new Payroll Smartcard card tariff! 


Payroll Smartcard is the Kazakhstan market’s best product for companies and their employees.


With the Payroll Smartcard, you can conduct a card-to-card transfer up to 1 million tenge at no fee. You can withdraw up to 1 million tenge at any ATM throughout Republic of Kazakhstan for free.

When opening a new Payroll Smartcard card, a free subscription to the Yandex.Plus service is available for 90 days.


Cardholders get up to 6.5% bonuses (including doubled bonuses in the first 3 months from the card opening date). The Bank also accrues up to 30% of bonuses in the Entertainment category, which includes cinemas, galleries, theaters, attractions, video game clubs, circuses, zoos, etc.


Read more about the bonus program here.

Ваш город: Алматы.

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