
Shalbayev Pleads Guilty, Eurasian Bank Asks Punishment Proportionate To Crime

5 February 2021, Almaty
The hearing by the Zhitikara District Court of the case on embezzlement of 205 thousand euros by Mr. Myrzabay Shalbayev, a former head of a Eurasian Bank Outlet, continued.


The Bank asked the court to apply to Mr. Shalbayev Myrzabay a punishment commensurate with the crime committed by him.


“The Bank considers it necessary to impose a penalty commensurate with the crime committed and to recover property damage in the amount of 68. 5 thousand euros and 6, 698, 313 tenge in favor of the Bank,” said Mr. Kayrat Salkymbayev, a Eurasian Bank representative.


The police transferred the remaining amount to the Bank immediately after the attacker’s arrest. The Bank immediately compensated the depositors affected by Mr. Shalbayev’s actions for their cash savings with interest when the theft was discovered.


“I admit my guilt in full,” Mr. Shalbayev said at the hearing. “I am still ashamed in front of my relatives, parents and former colleagues, whom I plead for forgiveness.


We remind that the former Head of the Outlet stole 205 thousand euros from the cash register to pay off debts. The ex-employee had a pernicious gambling addiction.


Thanks to the prompt actions by the Bank’s Security Service and the police, the attacker was discovered and detained in Russia two days later, and then extradited to Kostanay.


The Bank went to court on 25 January 2021. The verdict is scheduled for 9 February 2021 at 4:00 p.m.

Ваш город: Алматы.

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