
Eurasian Bank Manages Projects Using Advantage System

24 November 2020, Almaty


Eurasian Bank implemented one of the best Russian project management systems Advanta as part of its digital technology development strategy, internal process efficiency and service quality enhancement.


In the conditions of digitalization of the entire Kazakhstan economy, the project approach is becoming one of the main business tools for developing and quickly bringing new modern products to the market. The Bank management and project office intend to use Advanta to manage strategic IT and organizational development projects lasting from 2 months to 4 years, of which there are now more than 20 in the Bank portfolio.


The Bank expects that the introduction of Advanta will speed up the launch and implementation of these projects, significantly reduce the time for project managers to prepare reports: the real picture will be visible through convenient information panels, which will increase the speed, accuracy and efficiency of decision-making.


The Eurasian Bank development strategy is aimed at becoming the most convenient bank for customers, the best employer and profitable company for investors and shareholders, so the Bank not only creates new products and works on service enhancement, but also improves management processes and systems.


Eurasian Bank is a Kazakhstan commercial bank with more than 25 years of history, rendering services in retail, SME and corporate business segments. In retail, it holds a strong position in auto and consumer lending. There are 17 branches and 114 outlets of the Bank throughout the country, and more than 5,000 employees work at the Bank. For its activities, Eurasian Bank has repeatedly received the Best Bank of Kazakhstan or Bank of the Year awards. In 2020, Eurasian Bank was awarded The Best Trade Finance Provider title.

Ваш город: Алматы.

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