
Eurasian Bank Starts Guarantee Compensation Payment to Tengri Bank Customers on 30 September

25 September 2020, Almaty


Eurasian Bank JSC (hereinafter referred to as the Bank) was selected as an agent bank for the second time and assumed obligations from the Kazakhstan Deposit Insurance Fund (KDIF) JSC to pay guarantee compensation under deposits, current and card accounts of individuals and individual entrepreneurs placed with Tengri Bank JSC, which was deprived of its license on 18 September 2020.


“We are ready to start payments on 30 September. Today, we combine the advantages of modern digital and traditional banking services. Therefore, customers of Tengri Bank JSC have the opportunity to receive their funds directly to the payment card, which will be delivered by our services free of charge. In the context of the ongoing pandemic, we recommend using remote channels and immediately issue a card on the Bank website. At the same time, the branch network will also be ready to accept depositor applications,” said Valentin Morozov, the Bank CEO.


The guarantee compensation payment period is one year. Acceptance of applications from the Tengri Bank JSC customers starts on Wednesday, 30 September 2020 and ends on 30 September 2021.


According to the legislation, depositors can choose a convenient way to receive a guarantee compensation: in cash at the agent bank cashdesk, by transferring money to a bank (including a card) account at the agent bank or any other bank.


Eurasian Bank, acting as a payment agent on behalf of the KDIF for the second time, fully possesses the experience, required infrastructure and technologies for fast, safe and comfortable customer service to the Tengri Bank JSC depositors.


The compensation amount is determined within the limits of the guarantee amount established by the laws:

  • not more than 15 million tenge on savings deposits in the national currency;
  • not more than 10 million tenge on other deposits in the national currency;
  • not more than the equivalent of 5 million tenge for deposits in foreign currency (at the exchange rate established as of the date of the Tengri Bank JSC license withdrawal).


If the depositor has two or more guaranteed deposits of different types and currencies, the agent bank pays them a total guarantee compensation in the amount not exceeding 15 million tenge, taking into account the limit on the guaranteed deposit balance in foreign currency of not more than 5 million tenge.


All the information, including the addresses of branches and outlets of the agent bank in all cities, as well as their working hours are available on the www.eubank.kz official website and in the bank contact center.


As of 31 December 2019, Eurasian Bank is one of the top ten Kazakhstan banks in terms of assets and equity, and is one of the largest players in the retail lending market: 1st in terms of new auto loans, 5th in terms of retail portfolio, and 7th in terms of household deposits. In September 2019, the Moody’s Investors Service international credit rating agency assigned a B2 rating for long-term deposits in national and foreign currencies to the Bank. The outlook is stable. The Bank branches are located in all regions of the country, currently the network includes 17 branches and 114 cash and settlement offices in Kazakhstan.


In 2019, Eurasian Bank was selected as an agent bank for guaranteed compensation of funds to The Bank of Astana depositors and has already paid about 99% of the obligations.


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Ваш город: Алматы.

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