
Eurasian Bank supports borrowers who are in a difficult situation during the emergency

Press release, Almaty, 18 March 2020


Eurasian Bank will support borrowers who are experiencing difficulties with loans repayment as a result of introduction of the emergency in the country due to the coronavirus epidemic.


The Bank fully supports the initiative of the Agency for regulation and development of the financial market of the Republic of Kazakhstan for  abolishing fines and penalties, as well as granting an extension to borrowers, individuals and legal entities, whose economic situation has worsened in connection with the emergency state.


“We are ready to support our customers. People are losing their jobs, today small and medium-sized businesses are experiencing difficulties,” said Valentin Morozov, CEO fo the Bank, “therefore, Eurasian Bank as a socially responsible financial institution, understands the importance of the measures taken.”


Currently, Eurasian Bank is developing a procedure for accepting and considering applications from citizens and legal entities, which will be announced additionally. Borrowers will be required to apply for a deferment and provide such a supporting document as an order/letter/notice from the employer about changes in the employee’s working conditions and worsening of their economic situation.


For example, an order to leave without content, a notice of a decrease in wages, termination of an employment contract, termination (suspension) of a lease contract/activity, or other.


For customers, individuals – individual entrepreneurs (IEs) who are not able to provide the above supporting documents, requests are considered upon application and provision of a certificate of registration of IE or a screenshot of the tax website page kgd.gov.kz/ru/services/taxpayer_search/entrepreneur.


Contact phone numbers for customers – individuals:
+7 (771) 000-77-22 — Beeline;
+7 (700) 000-77-22 — Tele2/Altel;
+7 (702) 000-77-22 — Kcell/activ.


Contact phone numbers for customers – legal entities:
+ 7 (776) 217-11-11 — Beeline;
+ 7 (778) 217-11-11— Kcell/activ;
+ 7 (747) 217-11-11 — Tele2/Altel.


Eurasian Bank PR Service:
+7 (727) 259-95-99, Ext.: 4401.

Ваш город: Алматы.

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