
Eurasian Bank Resumed Offline and Online Lending to Customers

12 January 2022, Almaty



Eurasian Bank resumed the work of the Bank Branches throughout the country, including in the city of Almaty most affected by vandals.

Cash, auto and consumer lending is available for customers in offline and online formats. As well as transfer (“Zolotaya Korona”, Swift) and foreign exchange transactions.

“It is important that life goes on. The Bank must work, customers must be served. Therefore, we tried to resume access to all services across the country as soon as possible, both in offline and online channels,” said Valentin Morozov, Chairman of the Management Board.

In all regions, except Almaty, Almaty and Zhambyl regions, cash transactions are available until 4:00 p.m. local time. In these regions, the resumption of cash desk operations is expected in the near future, as long as safe collection is ensured.

Up-to-date information on the operating of outlets and cash desks is available in the Outlets and Terminals section on eubank.kz even without the Internet connection.

Ваш город: Алматы.

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