
Eurasian Bank Launches With love, Eurasian Campaign for SME

Eurasian Bank is happy to announce the launch of the With Love, Eurasian lending campaign to support SME customers.


Entrepreneurship development is an essential condition for strengthening the country’s economy. Eurasian Bank strives to contribute by offering beneficial financing conditions that help small businesses grow into a strong business.


Advantages of the Offer:


Interest rate: from 10% to 18% (AERR** from 11.7% to 25%)

Loan term: up to 24 months

Loan amount: from 50,000,000 tenge


Have time to get reliable support for your business development!


The Promotion lasts until 31 December 2024.


*AERR – annual effective rate of return

Ваш город: Алматы.

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