
10 Saving Tips

Open a special deposit to where you transfer 10% of all your income immediately after receiving it. To do this, you can open a Turbo Deposit with Eurasian Bank (A savings deposit). Where the maximum annual effective interest rate of 13.9% is provided, the minimum deposit amount is 15,000 tenge, and the maximum amount is unlimited. Withdrawal is not provided, so let it be your main deposit for savings.

Additionally open a reserve deposit to where you transfer 2-5% of all income. With Bank deposits the situation is the same as with cards, you can have several ones. If you wish to buy something, spend money from the reserve deposit, but do not touch the main one. So, you will save the main savings from emotional spending. For these purposes, the Turbo Deposit terms are excellent) (Term deposit). Where the maximum annual effective interest rate of up to 9.5% is provided, the minimum deposit amount is 1,000 tenge, 100 US Dollars, 100 euros, 1,500 Russian rubles, the maximum amount is unlimited, the interest payment period is daily. A full or partial withdrawal is possible, therefore it is suitable for a reserve deposit.

It is necessary to analyze all your expenses with a certain frequency. And as much as possible to reduce all small expenses. Remember folk wisdom that every tiyn can save tenge.

For example, refuse to watch TV if you have the Internet. You will save 1,500-3,000 tenge per month on digital television. It seems that 1,500-3,000 tenge are trifles. However, saving 3,000 tenge per month generates saving of 36,000 tenge per year. If you find 10 such small expenses, then you already save 360, 000 tenge per year. This is decent money, especially if the salary is small.

You can keep track of expenses in Excel. There are also special apps for managing income and expenses that allow you to conveniently group and analyze information. The App Store and Play Market have a large selection of free apps. You can download several and choose the most convenient for you. Popular programs for this purpose are Money Manager and Home Bookkeeping. Life hack: start a separate group in WhatsApp or a private channel in Telegram (depending on which messenger you use) and at the time of purchase, drop a voice recording there about what you bought and for how much. This will facilitate the analysis of spending.

Before going to the store, make a list of products you need at home. You can record in a built-in smartphone app, for example, Notes. Or download a special app. A definite list will not allow you to make emotional purchases that you really do not need.

Another way to save money and even convert bonuses into real money is to pay for purchases and services with cards. All Eurasian Bank debit cards offer an attractive bonus program. You can return up to 7% of bonuses from all purchases.

You need to plan all major purchases in advance. Look at product reviews on the Internet, use the sites where you can compare the telephone model by function and price. Go purposely to buy it at the store. Consultants can offer you a more expensive model that will exceed your selection in terms of performance, be prepared for this.

You cannot save, but you need to do that? Then you can look for an additional source of income. A side job should not interfere with your main job, so look for options that are convenient for you. You can find decent offers on the Internet where your professional skills might be in demand. Small money of 20-30 thousand tenge can bring 360, 000 tenge per year.

If you have a small salary, you should not take loans. Large purchases can be made in installments. Today, stores, together with banks, often launch installment deals. You can track offers on official pages on social networks or sites and make large purchases at this time.

If you wish to save money, close credit cards and do not use them anymore. The best alternative today is installment cards. They allow you to make unplanned purchases without prepayment and overpayment, breaking the amount into three months. You can read the terms of PayDA installment card from Eurasian Bank at paydacard.kz.

The material was prepared with the assistance of the Head Specialist of the SME Customer Credit Analysis and Monitoring Unit Mr. Dulat Kylyshbekov.

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