
Then and Now: Significant Improvements at Eurasian Bank

Customer orientation remains a priority direction of Eurasian Bank’s development. We continue to measure our customers’ loyalty, identify problems they face and analyze the customer experience, and most importantly, improve our services and products, making them more convenient for users.


We share small victories, as it was then and as it is now for Eurasian Bank customers.


Deposit improvements


Then: The customer could only close the deposit in the Outlet where it was opened.

Now: You can now close a deposit account in any Bank Outlet.


Then: At the time of opening a deposit or withdrawing funds from a savings or current account in a Branch/Outlet, the customer had to pass authorization using an access code (PIN PUD), which was issued on paper at the time of opening the account. Often the customer did not remember the PIN PUD, and it took time to restore it.

Now: Now at opening a deposit or withdrawing funds, a one — time SMS code is sent to the customer’s phone, which allows the customer to log in immediately!


PayDA installment card improvements


Then: Previously, it was not possible to top up a PayDA installment card with another bank card in the Smartbank app. The customer had to first transfer funds to their current account/card, then top up their PayDA card from their account/card.

Now: Now in the Smartbank app on Android, the customer can directly top up the PayDA installment card from another bank card.


Smartbank improvements


Then: In Smartbank, there was no option for opening a currency account online. To open it, the customer had to go to the Bank Outlet.

Now: In Smartbank, you can open a currency account online and instantly!


Then: In the mobile version of the Smartbank app, it was not possible to repay loans with cards of another Bank.

Now:  In the mobile version of the Smartbank app, you can repay loans from any VISA/MasterCard issued by any bank in Kazakhstan (excepting Kaspi Gold and Beeline cards).


Auto loan improvements  


Then: The customer did not know about the receipt of money at the car dealership, when it was possible to pick up the car, and there was no notification.

Now: The customer receives an SMS informing about the fact that funds have been received to the account of the car center, about the possibility to pick up the car from the salon.


Then: There was no SMS service to inform customers of car loans, they did not receive reminders about the payment, funds crediting and debiting, or PER/FER, about full loan repayment.

Now: When making a car loan, the customer can purchase a paid SMS notification service and receive full information about the payment, funds crediting and debiting, PER/FER and full loan repayment.


We listen, hear our customers and do!


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