
Dear Customers!

Eurasian Bank has a new service that makes online banking faster and more convenient.
You can now obtain information about your accounts through our USSD-banking by dialing just three numbers and two characters on your cellphone.
Once you are in the system, you punch just one number on your cellphone to choose the option you want – such as your card account.
You can use the new service without being connected to the Internet and with no balance on your cellphone.
Who can use this streamlined service?
Anyone who is using the SmartBank online banking and has a cellphone.
How can I get the new service?
SmartBank users can dial *979# to use it.
How does the service work?
When you dial *979#, you will see a list of options – for example, card-account information. Choose the option you want, and follow the instructions.
Which cellphone companies offer the service?
K-Cell, Beeline and Tele 2.
Does your cellphone need to be connected to the Internet to use the new service?
No, an Internet connection is not required.
Is the service available with all cellphones?
You can get the service on all but the oldest cellphones – those made in 1998 and 1999.
How much does the service cost?
It is free if you are in Kazakhstan.
Is the service available outside Kazakhstan?
Yes, if your cellphone is set up for roaming.
Benefits of the service:
• Convenience – you get quick access to your accounts and exchange rates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
·Always available – you can use the service without an Internet connection and with no cellphone balance.
• Safety – none of the information you enter or obtain from the bank is saved on your cellphone.
• Simplicity – You don’t need special knowledge to use the service.
Brief guide to using the service: 
1. Dial *979# on your cellphone.
2. You will see options you can select. Punch just one number on your cellphone to select an option. For example, punch 1 for card accounts or 5 for exchange rates.
3. Follow the instructions.

Ваш город: Алматы.

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