
One of the Eurasian Bank Shareholders Participated in the Film for the 75th Anniversary of MSIIR

One of the Eurasian Bank shareholders, Patokh Shodiev, along with the President of Kazakhstan, Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev, took part in the filming of the MSIIR in all languages of the world documentary film, dedicated to the 75th Anniversary of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. The premiere of the film took place on Wednesday, 23 October on the Russian First Channel.


The President of Kazakhstan said in the film that his career would hardly have taken place without studying at such a university. Patokh Shodiev, who graduated from MSIIR a year earlier than Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev, also believes that his studies taught him how to work, use knowledge, and make friends. In the film, the Bank shareholder spoke about friendship with a hostel neighbor Alisher Usmanov (editorial comment: Alisher Usmanov is a Russian businessperson and philanthropist of Uzbek origin, the billionaire founder of USM Holdings).


“Our budget was, so to speak, joint”, Patokh Shodiev recalled, “and basically, this budget was created by parents, and we managed it”. Often carelessly, then had to drink tea with condensed milk and bread. Moreover, there happened a lot of fun. The Vietnamese cooked fried potatoes, chicken, vegetables. The only thing we forbade them to do was fry herring. It was their favorite dish, but we never shared this love with them.


In 2007, three MSIIR graduates founded an institute development fund. One of them was just Patokh Shodiev. The fund charitable donations can be invested, and profits can be invested in student learning.


— Alisher (editorial comment: Alisher Usmanov), Potanin (editorial comment: Vladimir Potanin, a Russian businessperson, statesman and politician, owner and President of Interros Management Company, General Director of Norilsk Nickel, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the State Hermitage) and I — we were the three founders of this endowment,” a Eurasian Bank shareholder told the interviewer, “we contributed, I don’t remember there, 5, 7 million US Dollars each. So, the institute of endowment was created. From time to time, we continue to participate in support programs”.


Other famous MSIIR graduates also appeared in the film about MSIIR – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, Russian Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, OSCE Chairman Miroslav Lajčák, journalist Aleksandr Lyubimov and other widely known people.

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