
Use Eco-Card, Win Xiaomi Electric Scooter!

The Eurasian Bank Eco-Card owners can take part in the drawing of 10 Xiaomi electric scooters.


To participate in the drawing, it is required to conduct transactions with the Eurasian Bank Eco-Card in the amount of at least 10,000 tenge per month.


The drawing of 2 electric scooters is held monthly on10 January 2022 live using the Random.org random number generator.

The Eurasian Bank Eco-Card is made of recycled plastic. 0.5% of the transactions go to the Eurasian Environmental Fund for planting trees and other eco-friendly projects, and 0.5% go to the customer.


The Promotion period: 1 August – 31 December 2021.


Detailed terms of the promotion are here.


You can order a card online here.


Help the environment together with Eurasian Bank, and use eco-friendly transport!

Ваш город: Алматы.

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